We are exposed to microbial contamination almost every day. Whether at home, work or in public places, or when we seek medical or dental care, microbes are there and can be harmful and even deadly. Nobio’s technology is designed to prevent microbes from being exactly where we don’t want them to be.


    Bacteria drive the cascade of tooth loss, from initial and recurring decay, to root canals, infection of implants and dentures, at an annual cost of $130B in the U.S. alone.Bacteria is also one of the main reasons for failure of many common treatments.


    Nobio introduced Infinix, a line of innovative restorative materials, to protect dental restorations against bacterial degradation.Visit infinix.com to learn more.
    • FDA cleared


    Nobio collaborates with partners to develop root canal sealants, implants, brace cements, aligners, preventive treatments, dentures and more.

    Healthcare associated infections affect 3-6% of patients in acute care hospitals globally and cost over $30B to manage in the U.S. alone. Outcomes are further complicated by the rapidly increasing incidence of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), which in just three decades might cause more deaths than all cancers combined.Nobio collaborates with partners to develop medical devices with antimicrobial solutions.

    Bacterial biofilm on manufacturing equipment, filters, packaging and utilities systems, especially in humid environments, can cause anywhere from inefficiencies to health hazards.Nobio collaborates with partners to develop medical devices with antimicrobial solutions.

We want to hear from you

Nobio Ltd.,  Ornat House, 8 Hamatechet St., Kadima, Israel 6092000
phone +972 9 789 3000 icon-mail info@nobio.com